
Showing posts from February, 2025

26 Resources on Christian Worldview


Every person has a worldview. Not every person has a Christian worldview. A Christian worldview provides the most coherent and meaningful understanding of reality. It addresses questions like: who made me? Why am I here? And where am I going? A Christian worldview gives clarity on other issues like truth, human dignity, and moral values. But a Christian worldview does not only provide an intellectual basis for the meaning of life -- it transforms lives through grace and truth, and leads people to flourish. A Christian worldview starts with God, the creator, who redeems through His Son, Jesus Christ, who in turn, sends His Holy Spirit to indwell all who call upon Christ for forgiveness of sins and eternal life. All are welcome to repent and turn to Christ -- in exchange, God reshapes a person to think, feel, desire, and act in accordance with His plan and purposes, leading to long-lasting satisfaction, joy, and communion with God. 

To help Christians gain a stronger worldview, here is a list of some of the best resources grouped by ages: 


For Children (Ages 4-12)

  • The Bible
  • "The Ology: Ancient Truths Ever New" – Marty Machowski
  • "Big Truths for Young Hearts" – Bruce Ware
  • "God’s Big Story" – Kevin DeYoung
  • "The Chronicles of Narnia" – C.S. Lewis

For Teens (Ages 13-18)

  • The Bible -- ESV Study Bible
  • "Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews" – David Noebel & Jeff Myers
  • "Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity" – Nancy Pearcey
  • "Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions" – Gregory Koukl
  • "Mere Christianity" – C.S. Lewis
  • "Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations" – Alex & Brett Harris

For Adults

  • The Bible -- ESV Study Bible
  • "The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog" – James Sire
  • "How Now Shall We Live?" – Charles Colson & Nancy Pearcey
  • "The Benedict Option" – Rod Dreher
  • "The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism" – Timothy Keller
  • "Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling" – Andy Crouch
  • "Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption" – Mark Liederbach & Trevin Wax
  • "Live Not by Lies" – Rod Dreher
  • "The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important That Happens in Between" – Gregory Koukl
  • "The Case for Classical Christian Education" – Douglas Wilson
  • "Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning" – Dorothy Sayers
  • "Five Cities That Ruled the World" – Douglas Wilson


  • Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008) – Ben Stein
  • The Case for Christ (2017)
  • Is Genesis History? (2017)
  • American Gospel: Christ Alone (2018)

Bible Phrasing: 1 Timothy 6:17–19

In 1 Timothy 6:17–19, Paul frames commands to the "rich" in two epochs of time: the present age (v 17) and the future (vv 18-19). 

Living in the present age (what not to do)

Paul's instruction first takes into account how the rich should live in the present age. There are two negative charges and a contrastive statement about where they should set their hopes. 

First, Paul tasks Timothy with charging the rich not to be haughty. The infinitive ὑψηλοφρονεῖν occurs only in this verse. The compound word is a combination of ὑψηλός and φρονέω and literally means "high-minded." Paul uses these two exact words in such close proximity in only one other letter, his magnum opus to the Romans. There he tells the Romans: 

12:16 τὸ αὐτὸ εἰς ἀλλήλους φρονοῦντες, μὴ τὰ ὑψηλὰ φρονοῦντες, ἀλλὰ τοῖς ταπεινοῖς συναπαγόμενοι. μὴ γίνεσθε φρόνιμοι παρ’ ἑαυτοῖς. 

12:16  Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.

Paul's concern in Romans 12:16 is about association (συναπαγόμενοι) with the humble (ταπεινοῖς). ταπεινοῖς has mixed usage in the New Testament, referring sometimes to material poverty or to metaphorical, spiritual humility. The latter is probably what Paul has in mind in Romans 12:16, since humility, and not material poverty, is the foundation of harmony among people. Furthermore, humility provides a check on the human spirit to look outside the self toward God for wisdom. 

In Philippians 2:5, Paul reminds the Philippians Christians about the mindset that God has given them through Christ. The mindset (φρονεῖτε) that is at the disposal of all Christians is the one that lets "each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."

Later in the letter, Paul reminds the Philippians of their duty to strive toward the upward call of Christ in all facets of their lives. He asserts that such a mindset is a mark of Christian maturity (3:15). Those who do not have this mindset and fail to pursue Christ's upward call "walk as enemies of the cross of Christ" (3:18). Their minds are set on earthly things (3:19) resulting in Paul's condemnation of those who walk as enemies of Christ:  "Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things."

These three passages help fill out the meaning of "haughty" in 1 Timothy 6:17: Timothy is to charge the rich not to be so high-minded that they fail to grow in holiness, maturity, and selflessness, resulting in self-interest, pride, and earthly-mindedness; such a mindset prevents the rich from walking as faithful followers of Christ. 

Second, Paul tasks Timothy with charging the rich not to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches. As mentioned earlier, the desire for money, or moreover, the desire for what money can buy, is not a certain (δῆλος) wager for the rich. 

The alternative solution is for the rich to set their hopes on God. That is because God richly provides everything to enjoy. Earlier, in 1 Timothy 4, Paul explained that God was the source of wonderful blessings like food and marriage. Here, he reiterates the point that God is a provider and that he wants his people to enjoy everything he provides. In other words, a proper view of God can set the minds of the wealthy right and set them on a pathway of certainty. 

Living for the future (What to do)

Paul's coaching for Timothy takes an abrupt shift to positive charges for the rich in verse 18. The charges here are still connected to the imperative παράγγελλε in verse 17. There are four qualities that Paul charges them:
    1) to do good (ἀγαθοεργεῖν)
    2) to be rich in good works (πλουτεῖν ἐν ἔργοις καλοῖς)
    3) to be generous (εὐμεταδότους εἶναι)
    4) to share (κοινωνικούς)
Each of the qualities Paul expects for the rich to embrace reflect something about the very nature of God's character. For instance, Paul expects the rich to be rich in good works, a quality that mimics God in verse 17 (Θεῷ τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πάντα πλουσίως εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν). Similarly, the ἀγαθοεργεῖν quality comes from God himself, who is by essence good (Acts 14:17). Generosity (εὐμεταδότους only occurs one time in the NT) is another quality that emanates from God (Matthew 7:11). Generosity among Christians (Romans 1:11; 12:8; Ephesians 4:28; 1 Thessalonians 2:8) proves that they are functioning according to the teaching of the Lord (Luke 3:11). And finally, sharing (κοινωνικούς a single occurrence as an adjective in the NT) reminds the readers not only of their union with Christ (1 Corinthians 1:9; 10:16) but of their responsibility to provide for and support each other (Acts 2:42; 2 Corinthians 8:4; Philippians 1:5). 

All of these qualities will come if the rich set their hopes on the certainty of God (verse 17). Moreover, these qualities propel the rich toward the future. In fact, that is the inference that Paul draws from these charges: as they grow in these qualities, they are "storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future." 

The single occurrence of the compound word ἀποθησαυρίζω ("storing up treasure") is most likely a callback to Jesus's statements in the Gospels (Matthew 6:19–20; Luke 12:21). Elsewhere, Paul speaks of storing up wrath (Romans 2:5) as a visual reminder of the consequences of an unrepentant heart. The idea is not a sort of "works-based" salvation that the rich may curry God's favor based on doing good things. Clearly, Paul envisions the rich to mature into a new mindset that allows their faith to grow both in warmth toward their fellow believing brother, but also toward the ultimate future reward of eternal life. The ἵνα clause proves this conclusion. 

Paul wants the rich to change their minds and reorient their hope on God. When they do, they will become wealthy in the qualities that emanate from God, and thus, they will be able to grasp the future-oriented purpose of their lives: eternal life.  


A Helpful Overview of the Entire Bible

In God's Big Picture, Vaughan Roberts summarizes the Bible in 8 parts. God's story can be seen as eight levels of kingdom: pattern, perished, promised, partial, prophesied, present, proclaimed, and perfected.  

The Pattern of the Kingdom

Genesis 1-2 tells us how the world came to be and describes the basic pattern of God's kingdom.  Adam and Eve were God's people and dwelt in the garden in perfect fellowship with him.  God's rule was their guide as they experienced perfect relationship with all things. 

The Perished Kingdom

Genesis 3 tells the story of the perished kingdom.  God no longer has a people.  Adam and Eve disobeyed and were banished from the garden.  Their disobedience would curse later generations, as evidenced through Cain's sin, the destruction of the world by flood, and the dispersion of people at the Tower of Babel.   Yet God shows his kindness and mercy in each of these episodes through figures like Noah and later, Abraham.  

The Promised Kingdom

If Genesis 1-11 tells the origins story of the world, Genesis 12 and onward relates the story of God's people and the Promised Kingdom.  God promises Abraham multiple descendants and a place to dwell, all for the purpose of blessing the nations.  This three-fold promise is repeated to Isaac and Jacob (a.k.a., Israel).  When God's people become enslaved in Exodus, all hopes of a promised kingdom seem to be dashed.  But God raised up Moses to bring about the mass exodus from Egypt and to establish his people. 

The Partial Kingdom

After the people of God are rescued from Egyptian slavery, they are brought out to the wilderness to worship God. He gave them his law, his patience and his love.  They were to build a tabernacle for God so that he could be with his people.  They were to offer sacrifices so they could be forgiven.  They were to love their neighbor so they could be a blessing to all the world.  From Exodus to 2 Chronicles, the biblical writers tell the story of a people--the Israelites--who inhabited the land of the Canaanites, raised up for themselves a king like the other nations, and mostly disobeyed the law that God gave through Moses.  As a consequence for their disobedience and a failure to keep up their end of the covenant, God cursed them first by sending the Assyrians to sack the Northern Kingdom--referred to as Israel or Ephraim--in 722BC, and then Babylon to destroy the Southern Kingdom--referred to as Judah and Zion.  These two events clearly marked God's dissatisfaction with his people's disobedience.  Nevertheless, their remained a remnant that was obedient and faithful to God.  

The Prophesied Kingdom

When several years of exile came to an end, the Persian king Cyrus gave an edict that all Israelites could return to their land and rebuild their temple.  This, they believed, was a mark of God's presence returning to Israel.  However, throughout the stories and prophecies told from Ezra to Malachi, we get a different reality. God's people will be the remnant of Israel, but will also include all nations.  There will be a new temple and a new creation where God's people can once again dwell with him.  Furthermore, there will be a new covenant that marks God as the rightful king.  Surely, through this new covenant--this person--the world will be blessed.  

The Present Kingdom

Four hundred years after the prophet Malachi's words, the long-awaited Messiah ushers in the present kingdom.  The Gospels tell us of a Messiah who fulfills every aspect of God's law perfectly.  His teaching is prophetic and timely.  There is no doubt that he is an other-worldly king, reversing the effects of sin and death through powerful miracles. And finally, as a priest, he fulfills the final covering for sin through his perfect sacrifice, removing the just wrath of God and fully pleasing God's requirements for perfection.  His resurrection is proof that his sacrifice was accepted on our behalf.  Jesus's works reveal to us that he is the perfect Adam and the perfect Israel.  Not only does he represent what the perfect people of God ought to be like, he also reveals that he is the dwelling place of God.  He is the true temple; through him, people can access God.  And finally, as a true king, Jesus gives the people of his kingdom true rest.  Before Jesus left to be in heaven with his Father, he established the people of his kingdom on earth and called them "Church." 

The Proclaimed Kingdom

Jesus's departure left many questions for his followers.  How should they continue on without him? What should they tell others about Jesus?  How should they live in light of the forgiveness they received from Christ? The rest of the New Testament, after the Gospels, gives us answers to this questions.  This era is called the Proclaimed Kingdom.  God's people are comprised of both Jew and Gentile--they are the new Israel. God among each individual Christian through his Holy Spirit.  When two or three gather in his name, God is present.  It is no surprise then that the church --a people, not a physical geographical place--is where the presence of God is made manifest.  The book of Acts and the Epistles explain to us the significance of these new realities.  Christians must be a blessing to the nations as they testify to the goodness of God shown through Jesus Christ.  But Christians also learn that dealing with their own sin by the power of the Holy Spirit is simply a reminder that things are not yet as God originally intended to be.  Nevertheless, the presence of the Holy Spirit within us causes us to look forward to a day when evil shall no longer exist--the dawn of the Perfected Kingdom.  

The Perfected Kingdom

The end of the Bible ends the way it begins--in a garden.  God's people will be comprised of a multi-national family.  Everything will be recreated, including our bodies and the final resting place for our worship of God.  In the final chapters of the book of Revelation, John writes of a spectacular place that he calls the New Jerusalem.  In the New Jerusalem, there will be a new temple.  And at the center of this temple, God will be seated on his throne.  The Garden paradise we read of in Genesis 1-2 is now the ultimate reality we will experience: God's people enjoying the presence of God with perfect relationship in the midst of a garden.


How to Study the Bible, Part 2

Bible Study Expectations

People have many reasons for studying the Bible.  Christians read the Bible because they expect some sort of impact on their lives.  This is a good expectation to have every time one reads the Bible.  In fact, the Bible places this expectation on Christians. In James 1:22-24, we read: 

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like."

Step 4: Application

Effective Bible study is not only about finding meaning.  That's really important.  But it's how that truth affects us that can make Bible study worthwhile.  James is capitalizing on this reality of Bible study.  There is a way to study the Bible that can cause us to lack any meaningful encounter with God and the world around us, namely by hearing it.  Hearing is essential; but hearing without doing is futile.  Doing, or obeying, God's Word ingrains truth in our minds and hearts so we don't go away forgetting what it says.  Therefore, a primary purpose of Bible study is application.   I define application as the ability to take spiritual truths and react to them in such a way so as to lead to deeper conformity to Christ. 

Christians should expect a supernatural encounter with God--in varying degrees--every time we read the Bible. In other words, each time I study the Bible, I will encounter God since he has chosen to reveal himself through his Word.   Applying a biblical text is simply one way we encounter God and become more conformed to the image of Christ.  

Obstacles to Bible Study Application

1. Spiritual Blindness

Application is not easy. There are many obstacles to correctly applying a biblical text.  First, there is spiritual blindness--we can't see the truth because we don't have the right glasses.  Each time we look to a text, we must do so in faith with spiritual eyes.  Spiritual people can discern spiritual things because they have the Holy Spirit.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Without spiritual glasses it's impossible to see the light. 

2. Unwillingness to see our own sin

Failure to apply a biblical text can also be caused by are unwillingness to see our own sin.  Christianity has a counter-intuitive way of bringing people to spiritual fulfillment compared to other systems of belief.  In modern day religion, the key to unlocking spiritual success is by focusing on the inner-you, your "true" self.  You possess hidden potential that is waiting to be unleashed.  It teaches that humanity is basically good and that most problems are external, not internal.  Christianity teaches that our biggest problem is our self--it's internal. We are our own greatest enemy in the sense that we are wicked to the core of our being.  Because we are wicked, God's wrath is unleashed against us, and the only solution is not to follow our heart, it's to completely replace it.  When we read a biblical passage that points out sin in our life, it will take a new heart to acknowledge it's presence and eradicate it. 

3. Not enough time to think about application

A less spiritual reason, but still significant, is the lack of time we spend combing through the application of biblical texts.  When Peter saw Jesus transformed in Mark 9, he wanted to set up a tent so that he could just  gaze upon the beauty of Christ.  But Jesus wasn't so keen on the idea--there was much more work left to be done.  We must stay and gaze upon the beauty of Christ in our Bible reading. And we must work hard to see how Christ's beauty connects with our lives, lest we think that being enamored of Christ is somehow separate from striving to be like him.  

Questions for Bible Study Application

What then are some questions we should ask when we approach a biblical text in order to apply it to our lives? Here is a list of 11 questions:

1. Does this passage point out sin in my life for which I need to confess and repent?

2. What assumptions does this passage have that I don’t share?  Or that I share but don’t necessarily live by? 

3. Is there a command to obey that I see in this passage?  What are the ways in which I’m not obeying it?  What’s keeping me from obeying it fully?

4. Is there encouragement for me in this passage?

5. Is there a promise in this passage from God that holds true for me?

6. Does this passage teach me something about who God is?  

7. Does this passage help me understand something about myself?

8. What evidence for my faith does this passage give me?  How does it help me trust God’s promises?

9. What am I going to do differently because of my time in this passage?

10. How can I model or share or teach this truth so that others are also encouraged by it?

11. What application does this passage have for us as a family (if you’re married) or as a church? 

Here is a downloadable grid with these questions and spaces to fill in your responses:


How to Study the Bible, Part 1

Deductive versus Inductive Bible Study Method

One of the most common ways people study the Bible is by picking a topic, like "money," and then, searching the Bible for relevant passages.  This is called deductive Bible study.  You are deducing, from the topic you've chosen that the biblical passages you've stringed together must somehow fit together.  This is top-down reasoning.  Another way to say this is that you start with the whole and move to the parts--the general to specific.  

Certainly, there are benefits to this approach, like systematizing the Bible's view on the character of God.  But it also has many pitfalls.  For instance, if you were trying to prove that the Bible endorsed slavery, and were looking for texts to support this conclusion, you'd realize pretty quickly that you have two options: a) bend and twist the Bible to say what it doesn't say, or b) change your conclusion. 

In order for the Bible to come alive with meaning, we need another approach--one that lets the Bible speak for itself.  Often, this approach is called "Inductive Bible study."  Inductive Bible study often focuses on only one particular passage of Scripture at a time, and often includes a thorough process of observation, interpretation, and application. I recommend a step-by-step process: prayer, observation, interpretation, and application. This post starts with observation and interpretation--and in another post, I'll present application. 

Step 1: Prayer

Step 2: Observation

In the classic story, "Agassiz and the Fish," a student chronicles his encounter with his professor, Agassiz, and the fish he was to study.  Agassiz tells the student to observe absolutely everything about the fish.  Unfazed, the student begins jotting down all the possible observable details and returns it to his professor. Dissatisfied,  Agassiz requires the student to take the fish yet again. Each time the student looked at the fish, he noticed more and more details emerge.  This process continued for a whole semester-long, until finally, the student no longer needed to see the fish, for he could envision it using only his mind! Pleased with the results, Agassiz permitted the student to study what he originally sought out to learn--insects.  

The point of the story is that observation is an essential step for investigating.  The student had to learn that to be a good scientist, one has to patiently notice details that others would not so easily observe.  

Observation is the first step in effective Bible study.  It seeks to describe what the author is saying.  At this point, all you're doing as the reader is asking the 5 Ws and an H--who, what, where, when, why, how.  Besides this, there are some things to look for:

1. Keywords and phrases that are repeated

2. Contrasts and comparisons 

3. Expressions of time and when events take place

4. Geographic locations and shifts in setting

5. Transition words and terms of conclusion: therefore, so that, as a result of, and, but, in order that, thus, etc..

6.  Themes that appear throughout the book and chapter.  For example, the Gospel of Matthew carries the theme of authority and Christ's power.  

Step 3: Interpretation

Observation tells us what a text says.  Interpretation tells us what a text means. Several factors allow us to eventually derive meaning:

1. Context, Context, Context - The first step in deriving meaning is to determine context.  To get context, ask: What happens before the passage you're study? What happens after? What happens in the whole book where the passage is located?  Finally, How does the passage I'm studying fit into the whole Bible? 

2. Let Scripture interpret Scripture - If a passage appears to say something contradictory to something else in Scripture (i.e. God's sovereignty and human responsibility), simply remember that Scripture is God breathed, therefore it doesn't contradict itself. No part of the Bible undermines another part. In the end, it's better to be humble than to think you know more than God. 

3. Don't base your doctrine on vague passages of Scripture alone (i.e. Mark 16:9-20). 

4. Interpret Scripture the way the author intended - If the Bible says that God created the world, then the author most likely intended to mean that God did in fact create the world.  As you read through the Bible, you'll see that it puts to use a whole spectrum of genres, imagery, and symbolism.  We need to take these major differences into account when trying to understand the Bible's meaning.    

5. To look for the main message of a passage, ask "How would I teach this to a 5-year-old?" This will help you summarize big truths in brief statements while also challenging you to retain the biblical truth. 

6. Keep in mind that the Old Testament is pointing ultimately to Jesus in the New Testament.  

7. Maintain the same attitude the New Testament has of the Old Testament.  When reading the NT, ask these questions: How is this passage a fulfillment of promises from the OT? How is the NT different or similar to the OT teaching?  In what way does the NT clarify and reveal something from the OT? 

By looking for these details, you'll be able to find the meaning of a biblical passage.  With enough practice, you'll commit these steps to memory, all the while, making your Bible study time a very meaningful experience.  These are the first three steps in effective Bible study.  In the coming days, I'll discuss the fourth step, which is application. 

Bible Phrasing: 1 Timothy 6:11–16

The previous section was about sound doctrine (2–5) and godliness (6–10). The δὲ that begins verse 11 begins a new development, with Paul shifting from "those who desire to be rich" to Timothy, the man of God. From verse 11 to 16 there are at least three discernible sections. The first section deals with Timothy's actions (flee, pursue, fight, take hold) in the presence of many witnesses. The second section (verses 13–14) is Paul's charge to Timothy in the presence of God. And the final section (verses 15–16) elaborate further on the essence of God. 

1) In the Presence of Many Witnesses

Paul ends his letter with a series of admonitions to Timothy. He knows that some of erred in their doctrine and have faltered by pursuing money. So the beginning admonition is to "flee these things." Most of the uses of "these things" in 1 Timothy have framed entire sections; here, there is no exception. Clearly, Paul wants Timothy to recall what he just said in 1 Timothy 6:3–10. Beyond that, Paul adds the positive command "pursue" and lists virtues. 

A) Paul admonishes Timothy to pursue six virtues. The first two virtues are internal and reflect the inner heart of Timothy. The only occurrence of "Righteousness" is in verse 11. In Paul's second letter to Timothy, this virtue is mentioned three times (2 Timothy 2:22; 3:16; 4:8). 2 Tim 2:22 is similar to 1 Tim 6:11:

Σὺ δέ, ὦ ἄνθρωπε Θεοῦ, ταῦτα φεῦγε· δίωκε δὲ δικαιοσύνην, εὐσέβειαν, πίστιν, ἀγάπην, ὑπομονήν, πραϋπαθίαν.

τὰς δὲ νεωτερικὰς ἐπιθυμίας φεῦγε, δίωκε δὲ δικαιοσύνην, πίστιν, ἀγάπην, εἰρήνην μετὰ τῶν ἐπικαλουμένων τὸν Κύριον ἐκ καθαρᾶς καρδίας.

 2 Tim 3:16 mentions that Scripture is what trains in righteousness. In 2 Tim 4:8, Paul looks forward to the "crown of righteousness," which is given to him by the righteous King. 

As for the next virtue in the list, the term "godliness," appears eight times in 1 Timothy, and once in each of the other pastoral letters. Immediately preceding 6:11 is Paul's explanation of how a person may pursue godliness as a means of great spiritual gain. Godliness is also broadly applied to the life of Jesus Christ in 1 Tim 3:16. In any case, Paul charges Timothy to pursue a life marked by the Lord Jesus Christ in all virtues. 

The next four virtues show the external nature of Timothy's ministry. "Faith" and "love" are often paired (1:14; 2:15; 2 Tim 1:13; 2:22; Titus 2:2; 3:15) in the pastorals. They are often combined with hope. But in 6:11, "steadfastness" follows in the list. The term appears in each of the pastorals once. "Gentleness" is the final term that Timothy will need to display. The work that Paul is commissioning Timothy to will require these four important virtues as he deals with opponents, error, and pastoral issues. 

B) Paul also calls Timothy to "fight the good fight of the faith." Besides shoring up his personal character, Timothy will need to fight in his role as Paul's emissary. The fight of the faith is worth engaging because it is good. Paul believes that Timothy is not simply engaging in a battle of wits against false teachers or in his responsibility in resolving pastoral issues. No, this is a fight for the true faith of Christ, not only in what Timothy is fighting against, but also, in what his fighting for: biblical leadership, proper roles in God's household between men and women, a ministry to widows that is reasonable and loving, and the moral quality of care between various classes in the church. Timothy will also be required to fight for his own purity (4:12) and example before the people. He will have to be a gentle, but firm, leader. He will need to tow the line of a powerful emissary sent by God and a human being with weaknesses. And so, Timothy will have to fight. 

C) Finally, Timothy will have to "take hold" of the eternal life God promises to all who have faith. It may appear that Paul is using another expression to convey what he said earlier about "fighting the good fight," but the terms are different in some key ways. First, rather than fighting for eternal life, Timothy must hold on to the promise, since he has been called  to it already. Second, rather than fighting for eternal life, Timothy must uphold his confession, which he made in front of many witnesses. Paul is saying to Timothy, "hold on to what God called you to, and to that which you publicly agreed to when he called you." In order to be successful as an emissary, Timothy will have to seize on what is already his. Each day he will need to grasp the immense hope of eternal life to get through distressing situations. He will need to be so heavenly-minded in order to be of any earthly good. This is what Paul (and God) requires of Timothy in his task. 

2) In the Presence of God and Christ Jesus

Paul's next charge moves from "many witnesses" to the more transcendent "God and Christ Jesus" (6:13). Paul identifies God as the one "who gives life to all things." Christ Jesus is the one who made "the good confession" before Pontius Pilate. The confession Paul is referring to could be found in John 23:3: 

And Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And he answered him, “You have said so.”

The appeal to God's creative power in the first place is a reminder that Timothy's ministry is before the presence of the Creator God of the universe. Without reservation, Timothy's ministry should be carried out with the strength and creative power that recalls God's powerful creation of the foundations of the earth. 

Similarly, Paul appeals to Jesus Christ's most vulnerable moment before arguably one of the most powerful human rulers at the time, Pontius Pilate. In this great moment of vulnerability and facing a sham trial, Jesus makes the confession that He indeed is the king of the Jews. Timothy's ministry will face a not too dissimilar fate: just as Jesus made the good confession before Pontius Pilate, so too, Timothy will be required to make the good confession before many at great risk to his life. Like his Lord, Timothy must live between the reality of God's infinite creative power and Christ's earthly meek vulnerability. 

The charge continues with the infinitival clause: "I charge keep the commandment..." To which specific commandment is Paul referring to here? Surely, it is the mission Paul has sent him on, which he established in the first chapter (1:3–5): 

3 As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, 4 nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith. 5 The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 

How should Timothy "keep" the commandment? Paul adds "unstained and free from reproach," making the syntax a bit awkward. In what sense could Timothy keep the mission "unstained and free from reproach"? If these adjectives are modifying the noun, "commandment," then Paul means to keep the mission pure and above board. Another option is that Paul is implying that Timothy should be kept unstained and free from reproach in keeping the commandment. This second sense may imply that whether or not the mission succeeds, Timothy should nevertheless remain unstained and free from reproach. In any case, Paul's language clearly adds a dimension of expectation to Timothy's already intense calling. 

Finally, another phrase that modifies "keep the commandment" is the prepositional phrase "until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ." The appearing (τῆς ἐπιφανείας ) of the Lord Jesus is an important theme in the pastorals (for more reading see Philip Towner, The Letters of Timothy and Titus). It refers to two epochs of time: 1) Christ's incarnation (2 Tim 1:10) and 2) Christ's return (1 Tim 6:14; cf. 2 Tim 4:1). Paul's use of the phrase here pins Timothy's mission squarely in the middle of the two reference points of time. Christ's death and resurrection has occurred and now is the age of God's household, the church (1 Tim 3:14–16). Until Christ's return, Timothy is to remain committed to the mission of God. 

The concept of time (καιρός) in 1 Timothy also places a vital role in establishing the various epochs of time. First, Paul refers to the "proper time" of Christ's ransom for sinners on the cross (1 Tim 2:6). This is the age before the church's mission. Another reference to time in 1 Timothy 4:1 is the Spirit's warning that 'in the later times' (ἐν ὑστέροις καιροῖς)--the current time of Timothy's ministry in the church--some will fall away from the faith. And finally, the last reference to time is in 1 Timothy 6:15 in reference to Christ's return, which is at the complete discretion of Christ himself. 

Suffice it to say that in his charge to Timothy, Paul is seeking to motivate his young pupil toward greater faithfulness as he awaits the return of Jesus Christ. 

3) The Essence of the Lord Jesus Christ

The entire section ends with a christological account of Christ's various attributes. The reference to time in 6:15 reminds Timothy that Christ is sovereign over time itself. He reiterates that point in the next line of the sequence: he alone is blessed and sovereign. Timothy's ministry is to be kept with the uttermost reverence before the King of kings and Lord of lords. Paul continues acknowledging Jesus's immortality, his unapproachability, his transcendence, and his glorified dominion. The account ends with a doxological statement by Paul, which honors and acknowledged Christ's eternal dominion. 

An important question remains: why does Paul appeal to such a great authority in Timothy's commission? Although Paul does not give an direct motivation for his appeal, it is possible that based on the nature of Timothy's ministry, Paul expects Timothy to face formidable and relentless opponents and challengers. In the face of a society bent on questioning the new "rules" of God's household, its leadership, norms, and customs, Timothy will have to remain grounded in the authority of Paul's appeal. But more importantly, it is possible that Paul, having experienced his own turmoil in ministry, knows that Timothy's opponents, challengers, and parishioners will doubtless pose the question: by whose authority do you command such things? Timothy's subjection to God's authority affords him the opportunity to respond: By God's authority, and not my own, I, Timothy, am able to command such things.

The best free resource for learning about the stock market

The Simple Path to Wealth

My Journey in Personal Finance

I spend a lot of time thinking about personal finance. It's all around us. From my early teen years I thought about how having a lot or too little money can impact one's life. 

Although life is not all about having money, money seems to be all over our lives. So for the past twenty years, I've spent a considerable amount of time studying personal finance. I learned basic principles like "spend less than you earn, invest the rest," or "avoid debt like the plague," or "a penny saved is a penny earned." 

These axioms are inherently valuable when it comes to getting to the basics. However, they are only the start of a life-long journey of seeking to steward your personal finances well. 

From the first personal finance book I ever read to today, I have gleaned many more principles and resources to add to my arsenal of knowledge on personal finances.

JL Collins and the Stock Series

I first came across JL Collins nearly ten years ago when I was researching resources for learning about the stock market. 

Of the available resources at the time, this was one I considered the best free resource to get a deep dive into the stock market, investing strategies, simplification, and long-term mindsets.  Collins eventually published the material from the stock series and other material into the book The Simple Path to Wealth

The gist of Collins' series is that market crashes are part of a long-term investment strategy. But that is okay because the market always goes up. Investing in the stock market is necessary if you want to eventually become wealthy.

(this is the Dow Jones Industrial chart from Feb 1915 to Feb 2025)

Collins advocates for a simple investment strategy opting for a Vanguard account with VTSAX as the sole fund. In part six, Collins explains the various strategies a person might employ for building and keeping their wealth in tact. 

Collins himself is transparent about his current holdings, which allows readers to come to their own conclusions. 

There are 36 parts to the stock series, and he covers several aspects of the investment life cycle:

Part 1: There’s a major market crash coming!!!! and Dr. Lo can’t save you

Time Machine and the Future Return for Stocks

Part II: The Market Always Goes Up

Part III: Most people lose money in the market

Part IV: The Big Ugly Event

Part V: Keeping it simple, considerations and tools

Part VI: Portfolio ideas to build and keep your wealth

Part VII: Can everyone really retire a millionaire?

Part VIII: The 401(k), 403(b), TSP,  IRA & Roth Buckets

Part VIII-b: Should you avoid your company’s 401k?

Part IX: Why I don’t like investment advisors

Part X: What if Vanguard gets Nuked?

Part XI: International Funds

Part XII: Bonds

Bond experiment: Return to VBTLX

   Are bonds done?

Part XIII: The 4% Rule, withdrawal rates, and how much can I spend anyway?

Part XIV: Deflation, the ugly escort of Depressions

Part XV: Target Retirement Funds, the simplest path to wealth of all

Part XVI: Index Funds are really just for lazy people, right?

Part XVII: What if you can’t buy VTSAX? Or even Vanguard?

Part XVII-B: ETF vs. Mutual Fund — What’s the Difference?

Part XVIII: Investing in a raging bull

Part XIX: How to think about money

Part XX: Early Retirement Withdrawal Strategies and Roth Conversion Ladders from a Mad Fientist

Part XXI: Investing with Vanguard for Europeans

Part XXI-B: Investing with Vanguard for Europeans: 2020 Update

Part XXII: Stepping away from REITS

Part XXIII: Selecting your asset allocation

Part XXIV: RMDs, the ugly surprise at the end of the tax-deferred rainbow

Part XXV: HSAs, more than just a way to pay your medical bills

Part XXVI: Pulling the 4%

Part XXVII: Why I don’t like Dollar Cost Averaging

Part XXVIII: Debt –The Unacceptable Burden

Part XXIX: How to save for college. Or not

Part XXX: jlcollinsnh vs. Vanguard

Part XXXI: Too Hot. Too Cold. Not Pure Enough.

Part XXXII: Why you should not be in the stock market

Part XXXIII: Optimism

Part XXXIV: How to unload your unwanted stocks and funds

Part XXXV: Investing for Seven Generations

              Part XXXVI: Estate Planning 101 — The Simple Path to an Estate Plan